I seriously LOVE any excuse for me to get creative so when my good friend asked if I would make a floral letter for her little girl’s nursery I was more than happy to oblige! The best thing about making floral letters is that I get to be as creative as I want and they are almost impossible to mess up. There is no exact template or design that one must follow to create these works of art but don’t let that scare you!
Before you start make sure to have a color scheme picked out. Once you have your colors nailed down you should be ready to head down to your local crafts store. My personal favorite crafts store for flowers is Michaels. From my past experience, Michaels has the best floral department with good quality flowers at low prices. I’m going to be sharing step by step how I make my floral letters along with some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way. Let’s get started!
- Hot Glue Gun & sticks
- Floral scissors or Pliers
- Styrofoam block
- Assortment of flowers
- Large Picture Command Strips
- Electric knife or serrated knife
- Sharpie
Step 1
There are two types of flowers you will need for this project. Big anchor flowers and filler flowers. You’ll most definitely need more filler flowers than big anchor flowers.

Big Anchor Flowers
- Filler Flowers
- Filler Flowers
Step 2
Using your sharpie draw out the desired letter on styrofoam block. Keep in mind your letter should resemble a block letter. The styrofoam block is hard to cut through so don’t panic if your letter is not symmetrically perfect. Imperfections will be easy to mask with different size flowers. Just do your best!
TIP: If the letter requires a cut-out, for example, a B/ R/or A, it needs to be big enough to fit flowers on the inside edge.
Step 3
Time to put those scissors or pliers to work and start cutting each flower stem. I like to leave about 1- 2″ of the stem. Just enough stem to anchor the flower into the styrofoam block. The hot glue is for some extra hold.
Step 4
Grab the big anchor flowers and your hot glue gun. Start finding their proper place on your letter but wait to put the glue on until you know for sure where you want your big flowers. The glue should go on at the base of your flower where the stem meets the petals. Keep a few extra big flowers on the side because you might those as you start filling in the letter.
TIP: This is where you can channel your creativity and have fun! There is no exact science to finding the perfect placement for the big anchor flowers but I like to place mine at the corners, in the center, and along a curve.
Step 5
Keeping those creative juices flowing start filling in your letter with your filler flowers!
(Yes, that is Jack Jack from the Incredibles keeping me company while I make my letter) My kiddos were very intrigued with this project!
TIP: I like to fade the colors going from bright to light as I fill in my letter. Some spots the contrast between a bright vibrant color next to a light or even white is really pretty but, you want mostly keep your colors flowing and blending naturally.
Last Step!
Once you’ve finished get the Command Strips and gently turn over your letter. Pressing firmly apply a generous amount of Command Strips to the back of your letter; directly on the styrofoam block. Voila! Your new work of art is now ready to be hung up and admired by all!
I hope this blog post inspires you and please feel free to comment below with any questions you might have. Go get crafty!