I know the thought of losing your 2-hour nap time break during the day makes you want to go into panic mode but I’m here to assure you that this new chapter of your baby getting older is actually awesome! I have had a love/hate
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For some reason, I had built up whitewashing my fireplace to be this daunting task that would take up a lot of time and energy so I kept putting it off. Well, this past Christmas we agreed to host my entire family over for Christmas Eve and thatRead More
These days I’m all about cooking smart and less about cooking big elaborate meals. It does make me sad that I don’t cook like I used to because I really do love to cook. However, at this stage of life cooking aRead More
I’m going to open up and share with y’all the struggles I’ve had with my son Samuel. I’m doing this because I know I’m not the only mommy with a hard kiddo and I know that having someone who can relate to whatRead More
Happy October Y’all! The temperature is finally starting to drop here in Texas and we are so excited that fall is here. Over the weekend we got down all of our Halloween decorations because we are ready to get our spooky on! I had beenRead More
I’m not sure where along the road DEET began to get a bad reputation but I decided to look further into this topic and see just for myself if that rumor was true. I live in Texas where the mosquitoes are out in droves and we NEED bugRead More
I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember and I have been an avid reader for most of my life. Any time a friend gives me a recommendation for a good read I get so excited. Surprisingly, I’ve never been a part of a book clubRead More
This school year I’m really starting to feel just how big my oldest is getting and to be honest its kind of freaking me out! Ah! This is the school year she will take her first standardized state tests, and celebrate her last single digitRead More
I seriously LOVE any excuse for me to get creative so when my good friend asked if I would make a floral letter for her little girl’s nursery I was more than happy to oblige! The best thing about making floral letters is that I get to beRead More
I’d be lying if I said traveling with three young children was easy but Park City, Utah is worth the effort! Every year we whisk the kids away for a summer vacation up to our favorite mountain town, Park City. From it’sRead More
Meet Christine

Hi there! I'm a stay at home mom living in the Dallas area wanting to help other mamas empower a healthy household through this blog of mine. I'm so happy you stopped by and I hope you leave this space better than when you found it.